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Updated: Mar 8, 2021

For many CIOs and business leaders, this is a time to look back and reflect on the year gone by! It is also a time to look forward, plan, and consider how we can do better in the coming year. Often, this results in making resolutions for the new year. These are the top five technology resolutions that you might consider adopting for 2021.

1. Use the Cloud to its Full Extent

If COVID-19 taught businesses that change is the only constant, then cloud is the tool that "provides the elasticity that one requires to scale up or down in their business" in response to those changes. This experience morphed how businesses will envision cloud going forward. Across industries, companies scrambling to respond to the pressures of the pandemic saw a tool for differentiation in the cloud. It allowed businesses to spin up new services, quickly transform offered products or pivot to new markets as they saw fit. Businesses now hitch their hopes to the cloud, turning to its services to steward newfound organizational goals.

2. Equip Work-From-Home Team Members Appropriately

Remote work and the fallout of COVID-19, are here to stay. Because of the pandemic and continuing lockdown rules, businesses have realized the capabilities and operational savings within their reach. Conferencing tools, collaboration, and team-focused technologies have transformed workflows and the core of how businesses work. Keep your work from home employees and managers productive with advanced tools for remote performance management, employee coaching, training, and engagement.

3. Be More Secure

Leading reports show that serious cybersecurity issues are on an exponential rise. IT professionals are inundated with security alerts and ways to combat them. However, IT professionals also face the realities of a limited staff and resources to implement better security.

It is time to mind the shop and make security transcend all through a comprehensive security approach. Have a bulletproof plan on how to respond to threats and how to mitigate them. Revisit the routine of patch management, the powerful tool against rapidly evolving threats. Then drive on towards better awareness and layering security through services such as a comprehensive managed security umbrella to handle routine tasks, as well as continuous threat monitoring, threat hunting, anomaly detection, data loss prevention, and application profiling.

4. Simplify Your Business Management

There is no question that it has been a challenging time, but as the dust begins to settle on the massive upheavals of the year, it has become clear that all that pivoting has resulted in a number of new business models both in Australia and throughout the world. On the topic, there are many software solutions out there that can help simplify, if not outright automate, many of the processes and procedures that your business relies upon to function.

From Customer Relationship Management (CRM), to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), to various other productivity-focused software solutions, your business’ operations can be made easier and more productive by embracing the tools now accessible to you. Investigate your greatest needs and find the software that can help you fulfill them.

5. Keep Your Team “In the Know”

Finally, for any of these improvements to take place, you need to keep your team updated and bought into these concepts. By focusing on the benefits that these improvements will offer to the business, and to their workplace experience, your team will be more likely to adopt them. Without this crucial step, your business’ capacity to improve will be limited.

NativUC team can directly assist you with many of these steps. We bring business insight, and technology expertise to give you a distinct advantage in today’s rapidly changing environment. To learn more about what we could do for you, reach out to our team at or call us on 02 9051 0707

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